About the International Jaguar XK Club
The Club’s emphasis is very much on using our cars – the XK was designed to be driven!
Thus we have a wide range of events from runs to international tours, from lunches to weekends, from track days to technical seminars. Many are free of charge or the cost is modest. Above all, we aim to give value for money. Some are organised by HQ, and some by our splendid volunteer Representatives around the UK, Europe, the USA, Australia and many other countries.
For the members restoring or maintaining their cars, there is a wide range of meaningful discounts with many of the leading specialists, plus technical advice and all the practical features and tips in the magazine.
The website, which is actively managed and often updated daily, has a 'Members’ Only' section with a library of technical articles and is ever-expanding.
We have no committees, no concours and no politics, but we do have a very friendly atmosphere. We also have a fantastic team behind the scenes, many of whom have worked with us for many years.
All of this for less than a tank of fuel! I hope you will decide to join.
Philip Porter

In the face of monumental change to personal mobility, led by the drive for sustainability and minimising climate change, an alliance headed by the International Jaguar XK Club and specialist British companies has been established to remind and reinforce the unique contribution the Jaguar XK made to global sportscar culture and, indeed, to Britain.
James Page (Editor of the XK Gazette) and Philip Porter (Co-founder of the XK Club) discuss the Jaguar XK and the different features of the nine models.
Click the video link to find out more.
See more XK Club videos by clicking the link below.